Testosterone Replacement Therapy: A Game-Changer For Men


Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT), when used appropriately, can be a game-changer for men in terms of improving their energy levels, sexual life, body composition, and overall sense of wellbeing. 

How do you know if you could benefit from TRT? Are you in your 40s or older and suffering with any of these symptoms?

  • Sexual difficulties

  • Soft erections

  • Low libido

  • Fat gain

  • Muscle loss

  • Decreased athletic ability

  • Hair loss

  • Increased recovery times

  • Low motivation

  • Difficulty sleeping

If so, you may benefit from our TRT membership: Wash Park Stallion! You can learn more and book your first appointment by visiting the Testosterone Replacement page.

Curious about lifestyle measures you can take now to boost your testosterone levels? Here are some to try!

  • Lose weight if your BMI is greater than 25

  • Follow a Mediterranean-style diet

  • Ensure you are strength training in addition to cardio

  • Get at least 8 hours of sleep each night  

  • Ensure you are getting at least 5-6 ounces of lean protein per day

  • Add onions and garlic to your meals 

  • Don’t skimp on fish or oysters

  • Eat magnesium-rich foods (spinach, almonds, cashews, peanuts) 

  • Reduce Beer

  • Choose glass storage containers over plastic

Lindsey Gira

Graphic + Web Designer | Six Leaf Design


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