Frequently Asked Questions


  • A boutique wellness practice located in Washington Park off of South Gaylord Street. We offer membership-based, concierge health services for your general primary care and wellness needs. All of our memberships are offered in a concierge-style, meaning: you will have direct access to your provider, highly personalized care, and same or next-day appointments in a comfortable setting.

  • Concierge medicine, or “boutique” medicine is a subscription-based healthcare model where patients pay a fee in lieu of insurance to receive greater access, attention, and care from their concierge provider.

  • You will have direct access to your provider through in-person and telemedicine visits for care relevant to your membership type for a monthly membership fee.

  • We are an “Insurance Free” practice. We believe in empowering you to have the freedom to determine the best treatment options for your medical needs by avoiding the constraints placed by commercial insurance companies.

  • Yes. Concierge primary care is not a substitute for health insurance. We recommend all members to carry a major medical plan with a health savings account. Having insurance with a major medical plan is there for any specialist visits and expensive unanticipated events, such as serious illness, hospitalizations, and surgeries.

    Yes, you can elect us to be your PCP if you are a concierge primary care member at Wash Park Health. To review more information about our primary care memberships please visit the Concierge Primary Care or Functional Medicine pages. For all memberships other than the concierge primary care memberships, we require that you have a primary care provider (PCP) to manage your general healthcare needs.

  • If you have a Health Savings Account (HSA) or Flexible Spending Account (FSA), we recommend that you check with your specific plan to see if you can use your pre-tax dollars to pay for our monthly memberships. You can use your HSA or FSA to pay for labs and medications.

  • For the concierge primary care membership, all ages may join. All other memberships are designed for adults only. We accept all genders and all sexual orientations. *Note on Medicaid patients: Unfortunately, we cannot accept you as a patient at this time. Colorado statutes prohibit any Colorado provider from privately contracting with any Medicaid patient for services covered by Medicaid.

  • Yes! Having access to us directly almost anytime is one of the many benefits of Wash Park Health. If you have a need while traveling, over the weekend, or after hours, you will have the luxury of connecting with your provider directly. Usually, this will be in the form of a simple conversation, and we can utilize text, email, videos, or photos, if needed.

  • We do! Wash Park Health operates in a hybrid model, utilizing both in-person and telemedicine visits for all of our memberships. We like to see you in-person for at least your first visit to meet you and get a baseline exam and vital signs. All other subsequent visits include the option of telemedicine.

Wash Park Core: Concierge Primary Care

  • Please visit the Concierge Primary Care page for current pricing.

  • Once you become a member, you will pay a monthly fee to have direct access to your provider through in-person and telemedicine visits for any of your healthcare needs that you would normally see your general practitioner for. Most of your concerns, such as an acute illness or injury, follow-up on a chronic condition, need for medication refill, etc. can be addressed by video chat, phone, email, or text the same or next day. We also have a physical clinic in the neighborhood that is located on South Gaylord Street for issues that require an in-person visit.

  • We manage most everything you would expect from a primary care doctor’s office or urgent care facility. This includes acute illness and injury, chronic disease, preventative care and other conditions.

  • You will receive more personalized, convenient, immediate, and comprehensive healthcare for little to no additional cost. For example, the average individual patient will pay approximately $2,700 or more per year for their employee-sponsored health insurance plan and then another $2,500 or more per year on deductibles, co-pays, out-of-pocket costs, and coinsurance. Wash Park Health memberships are as low as $2,160 per year. Most members save money by selecting a high-deductible, low-premium insurance plan to have coverage outside of what Wash Park Health can provide in the event of major health issues. In addition, members save money on the extra out-of-pocket expenses that are included in their monthly membership at Wash Park Health.

  • Definitely! Memberships are individualized for each patient to ensure we are meeting your needs. You will have the security of direct access to your provider in case of an illness or injury. Plus, we will also be assessing your health overall and will develop a proactive plan to keep you living your healthiest for many years ahead.

  • Yes. We will both need to sign a waiver together declaring that neither you or your provider at Wash Park Health will directly bill Medicare for any services you receive at Wash Park Health. Your Medicare benefits will remain unchanged and you can continue to use Medicare for medical care or hospitalizations received outside of Wash Park Health.

  • Unfortunately, no. We cannot accept you as a patient at this time. Colorado statutes prohibit any Colorado provider from privately contracting with any Medicaid patient for services covered by Medicaid.

  • You can visit the Concierge Primary Care page to view what’s included.

  • No, your membership at Wash Park Health is not connected to or the same as your health insurance, and thus your monthly membership fee does not apply towards your insurance deductible.

  • These will be handled the same way you are used to with your previous doctors offices. We will still order medications, labs, and imaging as well as place referrals to specialists, and you can use your medical insurance plan to help cover these expenses.

Wash Park Optimized: Add-on Functional Medicine

  • To simplify, you can think of it as “root-cause medicine” that treats the patient as a whole functioning system versus each system in isolation. Functional medicine (FM) is an evidence-based and holistic approach to healthcare with an understanding that only treatments that address the right cause will have lasting benefit beyond symptom suppression. At Wash Park Health, we practice integrative medicine, meaning we blend both conventional medicine with functional medicine principles, as we believe they both have their place and value in healthcare.

  • Functional medicine will help provide us a roadmap for your overall health. Taking a deeper dive into your health status can help us uncover the root of your dysfunction and guide our customized plan to bring you back to a state of wellness.

  • First, we come from an integrative medicine background, so we don’t refute conventional medicine, instead we allow them both to be present and work together in harmony. Our program is designed to be more approachable and less costly than the average functional medicine programs out there. We don’t require a long-term commitment, we don’t require costly labs to be drawn, and our sessions are broken up into manageable thirty-minute coaching calls each month to avoid “information overload.” We encourage sustainability by continually touching base with you each month to discuss one topic at a time. Any advanced functional medicine testing that is recommended for you is encouraged, but always optional.

  • You can think of the functional medicine membership (Wash Park Optimized) as an upgrade to the primary care membership (Wash Park Core). Wash Park Core will provide your essential primary care needs in a concierge-style. Wash Park Optimized will build upon that care with advanced functional medicine testing at your annual physical (optional), a customized health plan, and engaging you in functional medicine coaching calls every month. It’s a membership that brings together the best of both western and eastern medicine, a true integrative approach to your care!

  • Please see current pricing on the Functional Medicine page.

  • Each call will be unique and personalized to your specific questions and needs. The early calls will be focused on getting a solid grasp of your history and any areas you would like to focus on. In subsequent calls, we will discuss your customized health plan with targeted and actionable goals. New areas of focus can be discussed as they come up each month along with supporting you on your journey to wellness.

Weight Loss

  • We take a holistic approach to weight loss by considering all factors that contribute to your weight and customizing a plan from a range of cutting edge treatments that will set you up for success. We provide a no-judgment zone and want you to feel comfortable while in our care.

  • Yes, we prescribe the highly effective compounded Semaglutide (similar to Ozempic or Wegovy) and Tirzepatide (similar to Mounjaro) to aid weight loss on our “Wash Park Max' 'monthly membership. More information can be found on the Weight Loss page.

  • Yes, our basic membership, “Wash Park Weight Loss” is for you if you prefer to avoid medications on your weight loss journey. See more information on the Weight Loss page.

Wash Park Stallion: Testosterone Replacement Therapy for Men

  • The bad news is that testosterone levels naturally decline as men age, starting with a gradual decline around the 30s. But most men will not start noticing symptoms until they hit their late 40s to early 50s. Some men experience symptoms earlier. You may notice one or more of these symptoms: sexual difficulties, soft erections, low libido, fat gain, muscle loss, decreased athletic ability, hair loss, increased recovery times, low motivation, and/or difficulty sleeping. The good news is that you don’t have to struggle alone. We are here to help you get your edge back!

  • TRT is very safe when supervised by a provider who has training and experience in hormone optimization. There are men who are not good candidates for TRT, and this will be discussed between you and your provider after reviewing your intake paperwork. We will do a thorough history, physical exam, and lab review with you in-person before starting you on TRT.

Wash Park Radiant: Women’s Hormone Therapy

  • We will meet in-person at Wash Park Health to discuss the symptoms you are experiencing, do a full review of your health history, perform a physical exam, and order a personalized and comprehensive lab panel to assess your hormones and general wellness. We will take as long as needed at this visit to ensure we have a full understanding of you, your needs, as well as answer any questions you have.

  • Your initial follow-up visit will be done about 2 weeks after your first visit. This visit can be done in person or via telemedicine. We will review the results of your initial labs and discuss your personalized treatment options. Once we decide on the best plan of care for you, we will start your treatment at this visit and order follow up labs in about 3 months. We will only be a call, text, or email away if anything comes up during that timeframe.

  • Yes, you may use your insurance for labs and some medications. Most of the hormone medications are filled at a local specialized compounding pharmacy (not covered by insurance) and will be mailed directly to you or can be picked up at Wash Park Health. The cost of all visits and these compounded hormone medications are included in your monthly membership fee at Wash Park Health.

  • We will ensure hormone therapy is likely safe and appropriate for you at your very first visit before starting treatment. We take your health and safety with our treatments very seriously and have robust screenings and multiple safeguards in place to ensure the highest standards of safety with our hormone therapy program. If we find that you are not a candidate for hormone therapy, we can discuss a wide range of alternative treatment options to help you feel better!

Wash Park Balance: Thyroid Optimization

  • You have symptoms of low thyroid (fatigue, low mood, dry skin and hair, feeling cold, irregular periods, unexplained weight gain, constipation, and/or sleep problems), but your thyroid levels fell into the “normal” reference ranges, therefore you have not been treated. At Wash Park Health, we will evaluate your thyroid based on an “optimal range” for you and provide a customized optimization plan to help you start feeling your best.

  • Absolutely! We look at your hypothyroidism with a holistic lens and take a deeper dive with more extensive lab work than a conventional doctors office. We can also optimize your thyroid with functional medicine methods that may result in you needing a lower dose of thyroid medication. If you are not having favorable results and/or are having unwanted side effects with your current medication, we can discuss alternative treatment options.

Wash Park Restore: Dry Needling

  • Dry needling is very often confused with acupuncture. Dry needling does use similar thin needles, however, acupuncture is based upon energy flow in your body, while dry needling is based around muscle groups and their functions. Acupuncture needles are placed along “pathways” of energy. Dry needling differs in that needles are placed along specific muscles and trigger points to stimulate soft tissue repair in order to regain unrestricted motion and provide natural pain relief.

  • We strive for dry needling to be virtually painless for you at Wash Park Health. For most, there is little to no discomfort with the insertion of the needle. You may experience a dull ache and/or a “twitch response,” which often feels like a quick muscle cramp. These sensations are expected and even desirable at times. Please note that after your dry needling session, you may experience muscle soreness for up to 24-48 hours. We recommend that you apply heat after your session to improve blood flow to the affected area and drink plenty of fluids, which helps reduce the soreness.

Wellness Injections


  • You may experience one or more of these symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency: fatigue, weakness, sensation of pens & needles, mood changes, headache, dizziness, and/or muscle fatigue. We will test your blood level of this vitamin (or review your recent lab results if you have them) and if you are low in vitamin B12, as well as symptomatic, then you are a candidate for treatment with vitamin B12 injections! Please note that this service is an add-on and available to Wash Park Health members-only.


  • “Lipo” is short for lipotropic, meaning the utilization of fat, and “B” is short for vitamin B12. These are injections containing a blend of natural fat-busting compounds, including amino acids methionine, inositol, and choline, combined with vitamin B12. We offer these injections at Wash Park Health to help reduce excess body fat, increase energy, reduce appetite, and boost metabolism. Please note that this service is an add-on and available to Wash Park Health members-only.